The First Black Woman

The First Woman, a Black Woman.
The natural abundance
of the earth suggests
that the Black Woman is divine,
since all life proceeds from her.
The Black Woman was
the FIRST gardener.
The Black Woman as she nourished,
introduced agriculture.
Her experience in producing life,
could best evoke the seed to
sprout and flower.
The Black Woman provided
for her family as food gatherer.
Using her knowledge of herbs,
she was the FIRST
practitioners of medicine.
In addition to providing food
the Black Woman created weaving.
The patching of old
baskets, with clay
led to the making of pottery.
For the Black Women every aspect
of daily domestic routine
was considered holy and
with ritual intent.
In our time of glory,
giving birth was sacred.
Children were named after
their Black mothers.
The Sacred Black Woman

Author Unknown




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